Cryptocurrency exchange service in Kyiv via Telegram

We offer 0% when you sell and from 3% when you buy, we help to exchange cryptocurrency all over the world.

The exchange is carried out at a personal meeting without the need to send funds in advance

In our exchanger you can store money and manage it as you wish, just like in a bank, LEARN ABOUT THIS SERVICE FROM OUR MANAGER

Fast and transparent exchange procedure

Select the desired operation

Fast withdrawal of fundsto bank cards MasterCard/Visa of Ukraine

Enrollment on the card of any bank of Ukraine in a matter of minutes.
Exchange in Telegram

We have been issuing cash in Kyiv and around the world for 6 years

Methods of payment and 
withdrawal you can use

Reviews from our clients

For the safety of our customers,
personal data has been changed

Questions and answers

Looking for a reliable way to exchange cash for cryptocurrencyor turn your digital assets into real money?
You've come to the right place!

Crypto Exchangeoffers fast, safe and convenient serviceto exchange cash for crypto and vice versa.